In order to create a unique program of work that encompasses numerous agricultural topics, the Knox County Farm Bureau® Board of Directors each serve on a Task Force. If you are interested in serving on a task force, please contact the Knox County Farm Bureau® Office at (309) 342-2036 or via email at
Education & Outreach Task Force:
The Education & Outreach Task Force works to educate the Knox County community about the importance of agriculture.
In order to provide funding for the Knox County Agriculture-in-the-Classroom program, the Education Task Force is hosting a golf outing in July.
Also, the education task force works with the Warren-Henderson County Farm Bureau to update the Knox, Warren-Henderson Illinois Farm Families Facebook Page.
Farm Business Task Force:
The Farm Business Task Force works to improve the profitability of our farmer members while striving to provide up-to-date agricultural information.
Do you need a Knox County Plat Book? The Farm Business Task Force creates a new Knox County Plat Book every 2 years. The 2018 plat book is available at the Knox County Farm Bureau® for purchase. Member price is $30/book and non-member price is $35/book. Cash, check, and card accepted.
The Farm Business Task Force teamed up with the Warren-Henderson County Farm Bureau to host Dr. Steve Johnson biannually in the Knox Agri-Center. Dr. Johnson will be in the Agri-Center in June and November to provide an update on marketing strategies.
Government & Policy Task Force:
The Government & Policy Task Force strives to build lasting relationships with elected officials to ensure members are kept up-to-date on policy and legislative regulations that could be affecting their farming operation.
Do you want a say in regards to the laws and regulations affecting your farming operation? Join FB ACT! As a member of the Illinois Farm Bureau’s Agricultural Contact Team you will be contacted regarding key agricultural issues. You will be expected to do two things: 1. Vote! 2. Respond to action requests by emailing or calling your elected officials.
As a way to maintain relationships, the Government & Policy Task Force, in conjunction with the Mercer County Farm Bureau, hosts an annual legislative luncheon where members can ask questions and hear from their local elected officials in a stress-free environment.
To help our members make informed decisions in the voting booth, the Government & Policy Task Force hosted a meet the candidates program that allowed members, and the general public, to hear from candidates running for local elected positions.
New this year, to keep our members informed and to maintain relationships, the Government & Policy Task Force started the Legislative Roundtable in The Bulletin, the Knox County Farm Bureau monthly publication.
Member Relations Task Force:
The Member Relations Task Force works closely with the members of the Knox County Farm Bureau® to increase membership, retain members, and keep membership morale high.
As a way to thank our dedicated volunteers, the Member Relations Task Force plans an annual get away! Last year, the outing was at the Peoria Chief’s Game!
The Member Relations Task Force also promote the membership benefits and constantly strives to add more to the existing, local discount program.
In order to recognize our dedicated members, the Member Relations Task Force honors all Knox County Farm Bureau® members who are celebrating 50 years of membership with Achievement Certificates at the Annual Meeting in January.
Join the Member Relations Task Force on the Saturday evening of the 4-H Fair for an Ice Cream Social immediately following the rocket launch.